DDInteractiva produces two new advertising spots for Solfrío 10 March, 2016VideosSolfrío creams, spots, vídeoddinteractiva Solfrío creams are growing acceptance among consumers, both families and young people. As Solfrío is aware of this great niche markets, this company has relied on DDInteractiva to develop two new advertising spots aimed at this type of groups. DDInteractiva, as a communication agency, has generated two pieces of audiovisual content, which are focused on the home preparation of vegetable creams that follow the traditional recipe. The first video focuses on young people, who have short time to cook traditional dishes. They are aware of the importance of having a balanced diet and want to enjoy tasty recipes like Solfrío creams. The main message is “New Solfrío Creams, your best meal of the day”. The second spot is targeted at families. With the slogan “New Solfrío Creams, enjoy natural products”, the video focuses on the importance of having a balance diet, both for children and adults. This video shows a family meal in a relaxing atmosphere, success is guaranteed as the menu includes Solfrío creams. Both videos can be viewed in Solfrío web or in its youtube channel.