Four reasons why Virtual Reality hooks 2 October, 2015Virtual realityddinteractiva Virtual reality is fascinating people who are trying it. Technology is here, with more and more advanced devices (hardware) and more and more realistic applications (software). The level of immersion promised by the virtual reality depends to a large extent on those applications. For that reason, DDInteractiva has been working on the study of virtual reality to achieve the highest level of realism possible, for almost a year. Next, we will give you four reasons why the virtual reality hooks and could mark a significant change. We are talking about a near future because the development process moves ahead fast. 1. Technology is accessible. Travelling inside the human body or being at spaces that were destroyed and cannot be re-built again, it is not science fiction at present. Virtual reality allows scenes to be recreated from scratch, generating true immersive experiences. Moreover, this technology is no longer futurist but it has been created for you. In fact, glasses allowing that immersion will be available for the public in the following moths. 2. People who try it are really amazed. This is simply something incredible to see but it is an indication of the demand it can be generated. DDInteractiva has proven that through proofs carried out among people of different ages. 3. No learning is required by the user. Virtual Reality or VR is even easier to use than the Internet. Now you may be surprised by this comparison but not at the beginning of the Internet. At that time, people wondered how Google worked. Currently this is an unthinkable idea, isn’t it? With the virtual reality any user can enjoy a great experience without having wide technology knowledge. 4. The experience is more personal and interactive. We all remember the boom of 3D films, it seemed to be the most immersive thing it could be created. However, this technology has nurtured the essence of virtual reality but nothing to do with its final result. A great virtual reality experience allows you to interact with the scene where you are immersed, you can move, turn around 360º and even touch; also smell in a short-term future. Part of this post is inspired by the following article on Four reasons why virtual reality will be the next great thing.