Potential of Virtual Reality for companies 25 January, 2017Virtual realityDevelopment of virtual reality, immersive virtual realityddinteractiva Although we are expecting much from what is to come thanks to the virtual reality technology, we must be realistic because when we are going through an unexplored field, we have the risk of getting lost. Continue reading Potential of Virtual Reality for companies →
DDInteractiva takes part in Startify 7 with Virtual Reality 20 July, 2016Virtual realityStartify 7 summer school, vitual realityddinteractiva The communication agency DDInteractiva, specialising in the generation of Premium actions, has been one of the companies invited to take part in Startify 7 summer school that was held in the University of Almería from 4 to 15 July. Continue reading DDInteractiva takes part in Startify 7 with Virtual Reality →
DDInteractiva creates the virtual reality experience ‘Virtual House VR’ 7 June, 2016Virtual realityDevelopment of virtual reality, immersive virtual reality, premium marketing toolddinteractiva The communication agency DDInteractiva, Development and Dissemination, has created ‘Virtual House VR’, a Virtual Reality scenario suitable for companies, in sectors like furniture, aeronautics or architecture, that want to offer their customers impressive and different experiences. Continue reading DDInteractiva creates the virtual reality experience ‘Virtual House VR’ →
Four reasons why Virtual Reality hooks 2 October, 2015Virtual realityddinteractiva Virtual reality is fascinating people who are trying it. Technology is here, with more and more advanced devices (hardware) and more and more realistic applications (software). The level of immersion promised by the virtual reality depends to a large extent on those applications. For that reason, DDInteractiva has been working on the study of virtual reality to achieve the highest level of realism possible, for almost a year. Continue reading Four reasons why Virtual Reality hooks →
How to recognise a true experience of Virtual Reality 10 July, 2015Virtual realityddinteractiva Although it is best to experiment it, we are going to tell you what an experience of immersive virtual reality is. ¿Who hasn’t experienced the feeling of being transported when reading a book? In this case, our brain recreates, from the writing, a fictitious scene that we internalise as if we were living it. This is called “immersion”: being inside a story. Continue reading How to recognise a true experience of Virtual Reality →
Technological revolution to come 8 October, 2014Virtual realityddinteractiva For some time, DDInteractiva has been following very closely whatever is happening in the world of immersive virtual reality. Non-immersive virtual reality is what we all know, the user interacts with a 3D environment through the computer screen. Immersive virtual reality is something very different, it means to be inside the 3D environment literally. Continue reading Technological revolution to come →