Technological revolution to come 8 October, 2014Virtual realityddinteractiva For some time, DDInteractiva has been following very closely whatever is happening in the world of immersive virtual reality. Non-immersive virtual reality is what we all know, the user interacts with a 3D environment through the computer screen. Immersive virtual reality is something very different, it means to be inside the 3D environment literally. The industry is taking giant steps in the development of this technology and the race to develop the most efficient device in virtual immersion is reaching the end of its first stage. Applications are not limited to digital leisure or to interaction, it is also applicable to the cinema. Can you imagine being inside a movie? What about a documentary? and tourism? Probably it seems a little premature but this is already being done. We are very surprised that most means are classifying immersive virtual reality exclusively within digital leisure. For us the possibilities go beyond leisure and entertainment. At audiovisual level, we can see a clear division between the users of this technology, a differentiation that will be key among companies using this technology to offer interactive services. It is easy to think that we are enthusiast people in this new way of seeing and experimenting because we love technology and we are engaged in this matter, but this is not the case and we are explaining why. When there is a technological revolution, everyone coincides: developers, critics and users. It happened to the Internet but not to 3D screens; it happened to Smartphones but not to tablets. Well, it does all come around. Everyone agrees that this is amazing. We are looking forward to developing tools with this technology and offering truly unique experiences. What field in life would you apply the immersive virtual reality?